
Við hjá Arctic fish erum stolt af því að hafa vottanir frá ASC. Í því felst að við uppfyllum strangar sjálfbærni- og umhverfiskröfur

Aquaculture Stewardship Council [ASC] eur sjálfstæð, óhagnaðardrifin alþjóðleg samtök eru leiðandi í vottunar- og merkingaráætlunum fyrir ábyrgt fiskeldi

The ASC also ensures that the social rights and safety of those who work on the farms and live in the local communities are safeguarded. Employees working on ASC certified farms must have fair working conditions and contracts as mandated by the International Labour Organization. No child labour is permitted, and all workers must have free association and access to a safe work environment.

ASC Certification

The Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) is an independent non profit organization and labelling organization that establishes protocol on farmed seafood while ensuring sustainable aquaculture.

Explanation video about ASC

ASC Certificate

See our ASC certification or view the document library here

ASC Reports

See our ASC reports

Integrated Pest Management

See our IPM certificate

Wild salmonids

Wild salmonids in costal waters of the


08:00 - 16:00


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