What’s going on
News and announcements
ASC Audit
ASC AUDIT 13.5 - 15.5 2019 During the period 13 - 15th of May 2019, an annual external third-party audit will be carried out at our location in Dýrafjörður at our sites Gemlufall and Eyrarhlíð
Arctic Sea Farm og Arnarlax fá ASC vottun
Laxeldisfyrirtækin Arnarlax og Arctic Sea Farm hafa fengið ASC umhverfisvottun á framleiðslu sína. ASC (Aquaculture Stewardship Counsel er ein strangasta umhverfisvottun þegar kemur að fiskeldi og þekkt um allan heim. Allur lax sem framleiddur verður á Vestfjörðum...
Arctic Fish Kynning
PDF útgáfa af kynningunni sem var haldin á íbúafundum fimmtudaginn 13. desember [bsk-pdf-manager-pdf id="23"]
Íbúafundir á fimmtudaginn 13. desember
Fimmtudaginn 13. desember 2018 verða haldnir tveir umræðufundir fyrir íbúa á Vestfjörðum : Í Blábankanum Þingeyri kl. 17:00 Í Edinborgarhúsinu Ísafirði kl. 20:00 Forsvarsmenn Arctic Fish fara yfir stöðu og næstu skref fyrirtækisins og svara síðan spurningum Allir...
Arctic Fish Leitar að verkefnisstjóra viðskiptaþróunar
Verkefnastjóri viðskiptaþróunar Fyrir Arctic Fish Arctic Fish leitar að öflugum aðila í starf verkefnastjóra. Um nýtt og áhugavert starf er að ræða og mun viðkomandi koma að áframhaldandi uppbyggingu félagsins. Arctic Fish er með starfsemi á Vestfjörðum og aðsetur...
Introduction meeting in Norður-Botn Tálknafjörður
Arctic Fish have announced that an introduction meeting will take place in the Hatchery located in Norður-Botn Tálknafjörður. The meeting will be on the 3rd. of May at 4 PM. Emphasis will be on introducing the company's original reports for salmon farming in...
New Hatchery worth 3 billion ISK
The Hatchery located in Tálknafjörður got mentioned on the news yesterday, for its unique water circulation system and more interesting facts about the Hatchery were mentioned. Read about the Hatchery and watch the video here...
Norway Royal Salmon buys 50 per cent stake in Arctic Fish
Norway Royal salmon has entered into an agreement to acquire 50.00 per cent of Arctic Fish ehf through a directed private placement in amount of eur 29 million, , thus forming a joint venture with the existing owners Read more here...
Johan Hansen hired as Hatchery Manager
Arctic Fish are pleased to announce that the Faroe Island resident Johan Hansen has been hired as a manager of the Hatchery in Tálknafjörður. Johan has various hatchery experience and has been involved with such matters for 35 years. Read more here...
Arctic Fish is the first to gain ASC Certification in Iceland
Arctic Fish has become the very first aquaculture producer to achieve Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) Certification in Iceland. https://www.asc-aqua.org/news/latest-news/arctic-fish-is-the-first-to-gain-asc-certification-in-iceland/
Hours of Operation
08:00am – 16:00pm
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